

Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Restoring the profitability of the French subsidiary of an Austrian industrial company

Reorganization / Performance Situation The French subsidiary of the world leader in the development and optimisation of combustion engines has accumulated six consecutive years of losses covered by successive debt waivers and has seen its turnover fall by 38%. The Austrian parent company decided to restructure and reduce the workforce. Objectives Restructure and reorganise the...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Restructuring and selling the subsidiary of a large industrial group

Recovery / Transfer Situation An international metalworking group wishes to focus on its core business and sell one of its industrial subsidiaries whose products are not core business and whose economic underperformance represents a risk for the group. Objectives Take over the management of the company and build confidence among the teams. Define and implement...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Integrating and turning around an acquisition

Acquisition / Performance Situation Acquisition, at the bar of the Commercial Court, of a French distribution company by a listed European group.Establishment of multi-site operations to ensure national coverage.Traditional culture, organisation based on habits with little room for change. Objectives To restore financial balance as quickly as possible and provide the company with a high-performance...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Carving out from parent company and setting up a standalone ERP system

Transformation digitale Situation A mining company in New Caledonia (Pacific Ocean) becomes completely independent by separating from its Brazilian parent company. The Information System must be made autonomous and meet local needs. Objectives : As part of the company’s empowerment project, the client’s Director of Digital Transformation mandated X-PM to lead the local deployment of...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Discontinuing a non-strategic activity of a large group

Transformation / Transfer Situation A major telecommunications group decides to sell off one of its subsidiaries which is no longer in its core business. This subsidiary assembles electronic components and sells hardwares and solutions related to the banking market. The subsidiary is profitable and can either be integrated into a large industrial group to consolidate...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Set up an industrial activity in Nigeria under the new automotive law.

Transformation / New activity Situation Nigeria has changed its automotive law and requires importers to partially industrialise assembly. Objectives A major Distribution Group in Africa needs to adapt its organisation to local administrative constraints. Tasks Provide an industrial strategy in line with the new Nigerian Automotive Law. Negotiate the technical and economic conditions with the...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Deploying a new commercial insurance offer

Transformation / New activity Situation An insurance company decides to roll out a new group health insurance offer. Its network had no experience in the distribution of group contracts. The sales department appointed an internal project manager who did not take charge of the project. We are starting out 6 months late and the sales...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Standardising HR processes in an international company

Transformation / Reorganisation Situation A subsidiary of Orange, specialised in the sale, implementation and maintenance of front-office equipment for trading rooms, now wants to support its customers through the sale of high-value-added services. To take this strategic turn, it must hire over 50 people in a very short period of time. Objectives To formalise HR...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Improving the performance control of a food company

Improving the performance Situation A multi-site industrial company whose activity is in sharp decline in a context of crisis and margin erosion. Subsidiaries in loss. Loss of motivation among managers. Objectives To secure the budgetary execution of the current year. Restructure the business and refocus on the scope Tasks Carry out a diagnosis, define a...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Strengthening the cybersecurity of a construction group

Crisis management / Cybersecurity Situation A construction group suffered several cyber-attacks, blocking its information system for several weeks. The company does not have sufficient internal cybersecurity skills to deal with these attacks. Objectives To secure the information systems by taking into account the new challenges linked to remote work. Tasks Carry out an audit of...
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