

Management de transition, un accélérateur d’adaptation et de changement

[X-PM dans les médias] Dans un contexte économique changeant, avec l’essor du freelance, du travail hybride, et de l’IA, le management de transition devient essentiel pour l’adaptation et la compétitivité des entreprises. Face à un paysage économique en pleine mutation, marqué par des innovations disruptives et des changements sociétaux significatifs, les entreprises sont contraintes d’adopter...
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La révolution du Directeur du Développement Durable : de la responsabilité à la stratégie intégrée

Dans un paysage en constante évolution, la Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) est devenue un sujet majeur, catalysant des changements profonds dans la manière dont les entreprises abordent la durabilité et la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE). À travers son expérience et son expertise, Olivier de Montety, Directeur Associé de X-PM nous offre un éclairage précieux...
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Moteur de voiture électrique

En vert et contre tous, défendons l’industrie automobile européenne ! 

L’industrie automobile européenne, jadis fleuron de l’innovation et de la technologie, se trouve désormais à un tournant critique. La fin programmée des moteurs thermiques d’ici 2035, avatar d’une tendance mondiale vers une transition énergétique, place le secteur automobile européen face à l’un de ses plus grands défis. Loin d’un simple changement de technologie, ce glissement...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Increasing the performance of the supply chain of a pharmaceutical company

Performance improvement Situation A pharmaceutical company must quickly adapt its processes and tools for managing its supply chain in a tense context. The Covid situation is creating fluctuations in demand of up to 70% and more, as well as changes in distribution channels. The laboratory lost €2M in turnover over the last quarter due to...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Turnaround or liquidation of a conflicting 5050 joint venture in China

Recovery / Transfer Situation Chinese structure controlled at 50% by an international electronics group and by a powerful Chinese partner in the area where the Joint-Venture (JV) is located. The JV has been losing money for several years, leading to strained relations on the one hand with the HQ and on the other with the...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Fixing the operation of a back-office site

Recovery / Performance Situation An investment fund wishes to turn around a delicate operational situation on one of the sites of a company of which it is the majority shareholder. This company provides back-office services for insurers at several sites in France and abroad. The site is faced with local management problems. The situation is...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Deploying a new activity in an industrial group

Transformation / New activity Situation An international group in the metal industry wishes to add to its product and offer a service offer developed by its design office for specific situations. Objectives To develop a new service (and associated equipment) by carrying out several pilot projects.Prepare technical and marketing files to support sales.Organise the commercial...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Restoring the profitability of the French subsidiary of an Austrian industrial company

Reorganization / Performance Situation The French subsidiary of the world leader in the development and optimisation of combustion engines has accumulated six consecutive years of losses covered by successive debt waivers and has seen its turnover fall by 38%. The Austrian parent company decided to restructure and reduce the workforce. Objectives Restructure and reorganise the...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Restructuring and selling the subsidiary of a large industrial group

Recovery / Transfer Situation An international metalworking group wishes to focus on its core business and sell one of its industrial subsidiaries whose products are not core business and whose economic underperformance represents a risk for the group. Objectives Take over the management of the company and build confidence among the teams. Define and implement...
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Illustration Page Les expertises d'XPM, manageur de transition

Integrating and turning around an acquisition

Acquisition / Performance Situation Acquisition, at the bar of the Commercial Court, of a French distribution company by a listed European group.Establishment of multi-site operations to ensure national coverage.Traditional culture, organisation based on habits with little room for change. Objectives To restore financial balance as quickly as possible and provide the company with a high-performance...
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